Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Make Money with MyLot

How to make real Money with Amazon.com
- If you don't already know it, learn some basic HTML. You have to do this to keep your costs down and still get what you want. Even if the site is basically laid out for you, you're going to need to know how to insert images, create hyperlinks, and do some basic text formatting. Our HTML Guide offers a free 10-week HTML class and a great collection of beginning HTML tutorials. Get over any anxiety you have about this. Just do it. You'll thank me for it later.
- Decide on your topic. You're going to be doing product reviews and recommendations, so pick a topic that you enjoy and know something about. If you can't stay passionate about the topic, that will show, and it also won't hold your interest. Choose a narrow enough niche to be distinctive, e.g., bands from your city, left-handed guitarists, music for a certain kind of dancing, authors of a certain religion, books about arts & crafts, etc.
- Choose your domain name. Make it keyword-rich, not clever. Think how people will find your site in the search engines. Here are some ideas (all available when I first wrote this, though a cfew have been snatched up):
Music: BandsFromTexas.com, BandOutOfBoston.com, SouthpawGuitarists.com, ClassicPsychedelia.com, Non-Stop-Hip-Hop.com, Merengue-Music.com
Books: Mormon-Authors.com, Arts-and-Crafts-Books.com, Books-by-Stephen-King.com, ClassicBusinessBooks.com
Others: Best-Baby-Toys.com, MomsMags.com, FelliniMovies.com - Register your domain name. If you're not technically inclined at all, register your domain wherever you set up your hosting in step 5. Otherwise, you can save a few bucks by choosing a lower-cost provider. Not a big deal for one or two sites, but it can be for ten or twenty. I use GoDaddy, who have great domain management tools and are less than $10 a year. The least expensive I've found from a reputable source is 1&1, whose price is around $7 a year last I checked.
- Set up your web hosting. This is where most people get burned. For this kind of site, you do not need $10 a month web hosting! Our Online Business Guide has a list of Cheap Web Hosting for Under $10. Some are as little as $4 a month, with unlimited domains, i.e., you can run several sites like this on the same hosting package.
- Install blog software. "Blog, you say?" Yes. It will give your site all the structure you need, plus make it easy to quickly post new content. My pick is WordPress, which is open source (i.e., free), easy to install and use, and yet very powerful. Many hosts have a one-step installation process for it, or you can download it and follow their installation instructions.
- Make it pretty. One of the great things about WordPress is the huge variety of templates available for it -- they can completely change the look-and-feel. Our Weblogs Guide has a list of 5 Sites for Free Wordpress Themes, where you can find hundreds of free WordPress themes.
- Set up categories. Most blog software allows you to create sub-categories to help organize your entries. This will help visitors narrow in even more specifically on their interests. For example, BandsFromTexas.com might have one group of categories for genre — rock, country, blues, etc. — and another for city of origin — Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, etc.
- Sign up as an Amazon Associate. It's simple and free. Just visit Amazon and click on the Join Associates link at the bottom of the page (here's a direct link for your convenience). Your site should already have at least the basic setup done, even if you don't have any content there yet, as they'll review the site manually before approval.
- Create your blog posting bookmarks/links. There are two links that are going to be essential for you to make this easy. First is the blog posting link. In your blog software, on the posting page (see their instructions), at the bottom of the page there should be a "bookmarklet". Click on the link (and hold the mouse) and drag it up to your Links toolbar in your browser (assuming Internet Explorer), or your Favorites menu. This will allow you to blog a product with one mouse click.
- Create your Amazon Build-A-Link bookmark/link. This will make it easy to build the link with your affiliate ID built in. Log in to Associates Central, look in the left navigation sidebar, go to Build-A-Link, and under Static Links, find Individual Items. Click and drag this onto your Links toolbar or Favorites menu.
- Build your first link. Go to Amazon and log in with your Associates account. Find the product you want to review and use the Site Stripe (gray stripe at the top of the screen that you'll see when logged in as an Associate) to get your personalized link to the item. They also offer a variety of other options for creating links and banners.
- Blog your review. Now click on your blog posting link (Press It! by default in WordPress). If you're using WordPress, you should now see two pieces of link code in your posting form, the first one ending with "Associates Build-A-Link >< /a >". Delete through that point. The second part is a link to the product with your Amazon Associate ID built in. Now just write your product review, choose the appropriate categories for it, and hit Publish.
- Build out your site. Before you promote your site, you want to have some substantial content there. Write several product reviews. Have at least 2-3 in each category you've created. You may also want to make a categories for articles, news, and commentary about your topic. The more content your site has, the better. And the great thing is that while you're writing all this, the search engines are getting notified automatically, assuming you turned on the notifications mentioned in step 6.
- Promote your site. The best free way to do this is to communicate with other bloggers writing about similar topics, and to participate in online communities where your topic is discussed. See the Online Business Networking category for ideas, as well as the Internet Marketing category.
- You have to learn some basic HTML and basic concepts about running a web site. It's just not that hard. If you have to rely on purchased software, you won't be able to get exactly what you want, you won't know what to do when things go wrong, and you'll end up spending money you don't need to. Spend the time to learn it. It will be well worth the investment.
- I slightly recommend music over books and other products, mainly because you can listen to the clips of an entire album in about 10 minutes and get a good enough feel for it (without buying it) to do a short review. If you have another topic that you're passionate about, great, but make sure you have a unique angle on the topic. People can get reviews about a lot of those consumer products anywhere. You need to give them a reason to come to your site.
- To pick up some extra pennies, sign up for Google AdSense. It probably won't generate a lot of revenue, but it's free to sign up and completely effortless to maintain.
- Set reasonable expectations for earnings. You've only invested $20. You're going to make 5% on most products. That means that you need to sell $400 worth of stuff to make back your investment. To make $20 an hour, what you write must generate $400 worth of purchases. You get credit for other purchases customers you send make while at Amazon besides just the product you linked to, so it's not as hard as it may sound. It won't make you rich, but it's not hard to be profitable, and it builds over time.
What You Need:
- A credit card with about $20 available
Friday, March 27, 2009
Internet Paid Surveys

1. Global Test Market: Global Test Market is one of the largest marketing research firms which conduct online market research and paid surveys. Most surveys take less than 15 minutes to complete. Take free paid surveys and earn 50-150 points that can be redeemed for cash. Sometimes these surveys may lead to a chance to test a product or service, or participate in a online focus group with bigger rewards. You will get 5 points(0.25$) for each survey you do not qualify, so it is worth to join. Minimum payment is 50$. Payments are sent by check in your local currency. Members can join GTM International panel.
2. Lightspeed Panel: When you take paid surveys from lightspeed, you will earn Lightspeed Points, which can be redeemed for cash, prizes, or online gift certificates. Lightspeed pays by Paypal, Amazon gift certificates etc.Minimum payout is 5$. If you are from USA or Canada join Lightspeed panel. Hispanic people from any country can join Lightspeed Hispanic Panel.
3. American Consumer Opinion: Join ACOP survey panel take paid surveys and earn Amazon gift certificates. Register with ACOP Panel. Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, United States members only.
4. Myview Surveys: Myview is an invitation only survey panel. Myview is currently recruiting US hispanic people. Myview pays by Paypal. They send a lot of surveys. The surveys are usually 2-3 $. Join Myview Surveys
5. Take paid surveys and earn cash.Complete paid online surveys and earn money online. Join GiveUsYour2Cents Survey Panel.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Earn Money through Affiliate Programs
Store selling Inkjet cartridges, photo paper, cables, toner and other printer-related goods. Earn 27% commission on each sale you generate through a banner or text link on your site.
Affiliate Tips.com
Affiliate directory, reviews on affiliate programs, helpful articles and affilaite marketing tools.
Well organized directory of affiliate programs, organized by category.
Sell posters on your Website, earn 25% commission on each poster you sell.
Amazon.com is an online store specialized in selling books, CDs, DVDs and Videos. When a visitor of your site purchases an item from Amazon.com through a link on your site, you will receive a fee of between 5% and 15% of the purchase price.
Become a TreePad
Affiliate and earn
As a TreePad affiliate you can earn 25% commissions on any sales you make!
Grateful to all TreePad users, who have been TreePad's best advertisers, we are now happy to offer you this excellent possibility of earning money. Sign up is free and open to anyone interested.
Promote and sell your own products or promote other products and receive a commision on each sale which you generate.
Build your own affiliate program and boost your sales, leads and website traffic by promoting and building your own large 'pay for performance' sales team.
Commission junction
Over 1000 advertisement programs to choose from. Real-time tracking, reporting and analysis of impressions, get paid monthly by check, etc.
Online auction house. Earn $5 for each new client who signs up with eBay, earn $0.05 for each bidder at eBay. Also: eBay affiliate University for improving your performance. Limitation: US based affiliates only at this time.
Online recruiting company. Pays $ 20-30 USD for each referred sale.
Webhosting company. Receive $65 (Tier 1) and $5 (Tier 2) in commission for every new customer
Webhosting Webhosting company. Earn $52.00 for each new customer (Tier 1) and $ 5 (tear 2).
Promote products and earn commissions as a PayDotCom affiliate. PayPal-related.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Selling a product...

When you sign up as an affiliate / reseller for someone else's product, you refer people to the "supplier site" and you get a cut each time someone who you referred makes a purchase. It really is that simple. Probably the most doable of the ways to make money without money.
But you will only make money at affiliate programs if you can find a good supplier. One that's honest about tracking of sales and one that will pay on time.
I highly recommend the Biz-Logo.com Logo Design Affiliate Program. It's great if you target small business owners who might be in the market for a business logo or other graphic design work.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Traps to avoid building your Online Business!

1. Information Overload
The Internet holds an abundance of information, which is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you can pretty much access any bit of knowledge you want but on the other hand, you can literally spend your entire lifetime “researching” contradicting ideas and not accomplishing anything. Avoid this at all costs. Rather than spend a lot of time looking things up and making sure you’re an “expert” before getting started, take action and don’t look back. Of course careful planning is important, but there comes a point when you need to drop the books and the feeds and simply dive in with your venture. Action brings clarity and there’s no better teacher than experience.
Do your market research and learn the basics of your business, but don’t get carried away. Have a few role models you can emulate but learn to think creatively for yourself. After all, as an Internet entrepreneur, you need to be unique to stand out and be successful. Too much information is useless and won’t help you. Strive to learn by doing.
2. Procrastination and Inactivity
With the down economy, it’s easy to make excuses and wait until everything gets “better”. It’s easy to get comfortable and not stretch yourself to be successful with your business. No one said it was going to be a walk in the park. Don’t let procrastination keep you down. Set a weekly schedule for yourself and associate yourself with other positive-thinking entrepreneurs for moral support. It definitely makes a huge difference. I suggest getting in touch with others in your area through Meetup.
3. Business Opportunity Scams
With widespread layoffs, there are tons of scams out there for “business opportunities” promising Internet riches working at home with little effort. Beware of these scams. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Dishonest people are looking to take advantage of others who have just lost their jobs and are desperately looking for ways to make ends meet. Phony “business opportunities” run rampant these days, especially online where most people don’t know exactly how Internet marketing works. Develop a solid business foundation and learn to think for yourself rather than have to follow some “system” that will supposedly generate you millions with a click of a button (sound familiar?).
4. A Weak Business Foundation
Remember, the Internet is just a medium that is used for business, not some sort of a gold mine in and of itself. Your website can be extremely profitable, but it’s important to note that all business principles still apply. In other words, you need a good product or service idea that fulfills a market need and is sustainable with a solid business model. It’s easy to buy into the Internet marketing hype (which caused the dot com bust of 2000), but you need to treat your sites like businesses because that’s essentially what they are.
Are you falling prey to any of the four traps mentioned above? There’s a huge opportunity to make money online with an Internet business in the next few years, but it’s not easy to be successful in this industry. A few words of advice to get you on the right track - avoid information overload, procrastination and inactivity, business opportunity scams, and weak business foundations.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Make Money through Forex...
We can use this site to learn and practice all about this business like in Marketiva (we can do forex as little as $1 and we will receive $5 free at the user account and start with it... join together more than 400,000 members) , etoro. Earn $2 / Free referral, $0.40 for 2nd level, Forex-affiliate ...earn up $10.000 per single user!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A Legit Online Program...

Project Payday is one of the legit online programs that everybody can use to make some quick money. Project Payday is not a get rich quick scheme. You don't need a blog or website as it involves getting paid to try out trial offers from online advertisers. There is work to this but you can realistically earn a couple of hundred dollars a day if you want to put in the effort.
Unfortunately Project Payday is only available to American and Canadian users at this time. Oh and it is free.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Quote of the Day
Monday, March 16, 2009
Free Social Bookmarking Sites
If you want to get all of your websites indexed and you want a boat load of free traffic then I would highly recommend you sign up with each of the sites below.
Once you have joined all of the sites below you can head over to www.socialmarker.com and bookmark each of your Websites, Blogs, Squidoo lenses, Hub pages, Articles and what ever else you have, to enhance your chances of being seen and crawled by the search engines.
By submitting your content to these types websites, you will gain one way links, if your content is good enough you will get listed in the search engines for your chosen keywords and you will get free website traffic (sometimes server shattering).
Sign Up with all of these Social Bookmarking sites...
HOT TIP: Don't just submit your content to 1 or 2 social bookmarking sites, submit to all of them and get the exposure and traffic you need.
Easy Ways to Lose Money Online
Here's 4 easy ways to lose money online.
1. Gambling!:
Yep 1# is gambling online, yes you can win big but you can also lose big. If you're really wanting to make it big in internet marketing then leave gambling alone until you are rich.
2. PPC - Pay Per Click Advertising:
If you don't know anything about PPC I would highly recommend you steer clear of PPC, again you can make thousands but you can also lose just as much. Focus on free website traffic.
3. Ebooks:
Don't buy it unless you need it! I would recommend searching "digital point forum" for ebooks because they are cheap and usually very informative. Avoid Clickbank ebooks at all costs unless they are tools like BANS, keyword tools and so on.
4. Black Hat Marketing:
If you're not careful you can lose your entire online business doing black hat marketing. You can lose you're hosting, affiliate accounts and cash you have in those affiliate accounts, it's just not worth it. Be very careful if you choose to go into black hat marketing, protect yourself fully and have a backup plan if all goes wrong.
Just be very careful when you're about to buy something online read all of the fine print and make sure there are some real reviews from real people who have brought the product.
Ways to Make Money on the Internet
- Adbrite
- Sell space on your site for text ads
- Amazon Affiliate Program
- Easily create a store or shopping section on your site instead of sending your visitors to Amazon. Amazon handles the shopping cart and fulfillment.
- Amazon Seller
- Sell your stuff on Amazon
- Associated Content
- If you write a story, how-to, rant, etc. you can submit it to them and they will pay you $3-$20 per article if they like it
- Azoogleads
- Another ad program. They do have some decent companies lined up as advertisers. You provide space, they'll provide an ad.
- BidVertiser
- PPC (pay per click) program with a low $10 payout amount.
- Build a Niche Store
- This is a simple store / website development platform which enables you to create content based sites that generate income through the eBay affiliate programs. Pretty darn simple.
- Blog
- Start a blog and consistently write excellent content. With good ad placement, you may make some money.
- Business Opportunities Blog
- I am adding this because I am a subscriber to their site and I see ideas everyday that could result in making money. A lot of the ideas pertain to online businesses. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it's a good reference.
- Cafepress
- You provide a design, they'll toss it on a T-Shirt, Hat, etc. No upfront costs. Get a free online shop and promote your products on your website.
- Chitika
- Their eMiniMalls service has shown great results for many Bloggers and site owners. You choose a keyword and they show relevant products on your site using a pretty unique interface.
- Clickbank
- Quickly becoming my favorite affiliate program. They have thousands of things for you to advertise on your site.
- ClicknWork
- Get paid $5-$150 per hour for basically doing freelance work on a per-assignment basis. You have to pass a pretty tough test to get in.
- Clicksor
- These are the guys that generate contextual ads on sites that show up when you hover over a double-underlined word.
- Commission Junction
- If you have a site, you can join Commission Junction. Once enrolled for free, you can choose companies whose ads are pertinent to your site. Companies have the ultimate say on working with you. There are easily over 1,000 companies to choose from here.
- CreamAid
- For blogs only, advertisers provide you with a topic and you write about it on your site. To do this, you have to install a flash widget into your blog post. The more people you bring into the conversation through the widget, the more you get paid. It's difficult to explain.
- eefoof
- Think of it as YouTube + Flickr + Music. You add original content and they pay you based on the visitors you attract.
- Ether
- If you are an expert on something, Ether provides a way for people to pay you to talk about it in a one-on-one setting. If you want to charge $250/hr, that's fine. You have to do all the advertising so you should have a blog or site already established.
- eBay
- Come on, you know what this is. Gather your junk and sell it!
- eBay Stores
- If you have a real store and want to sell your stuff online, this is a decent option to get you started.
- ELance
- Name gives it away. Programmers, Codes, Web Designers, Writers, Editors, can look for freelance opportunities.
- Feedvertising
- This is an arm of Text Link Ads and is currently only good for Wordpress 2.0 Users. This does me no good currently, but as you can guess, they place ads in your feed(s).
- Feedburner / Google
- Not only are they the best place to house your feeds, they will also add ads to your feed and website. You get paid per impression and if you implement Google Adsense to your feed, you are paid per click.
- Google Adsense
- Come on, you don't need an explanation; these ads are all over the place. Google displays relevant ads based on your site's content
- Google Adwords
- Create simple text ads and choose keywords that determine when they are displayed. This is where the Adsense Content comes from. You do not need a site for this.
- H3.com
- Get paid to fill jobs. Commissions range from $50-$5,000. It all depends on how tough the job is to fill and how desperate the hiring company is. This is another one that's tough to explain.
- Indeed.com
- Add their job board to your site. They then post jobs based on the geographic location of visitors and the position types you pre-select. I tried it and I they continually report that I sent 0 visitors and I know that's not right. Nevertheless, I may have an isolated problem so they make the list.
- InnerSell
- If you have a customer that wants to buy something you cannot sell, you can sell the lead here.
- Jellyfish
- This is a shopping site that pays you a percentage of the purchases made by people you refer. They are not part of a wider affiliate program so you do it direct.
- Jigsaw
- It's a pretty flaky model but if you have a Rolodex full of good contacts, you can sell them here. I can't make sense of it but it looks like you get $0.10 per profile.
- KarmaOne
- They are basically a recruiting website. If you fill one of their jobs by finding a good candidate, you'll get paid anywhere from $50-$12,000. It all depends on how desperate the hiring company is.
- LinkShare.com
- If you have a site, you can join Linkshare. Once enrolled for free, you can choose companies whose ads are pertinent to your site. Companies have the ultimate say on working with you. Like Commission Junction, there are a ton of companies waiting to evaluate your site.
- Microsoft Adcenter
- Bid on keywords and Microsoft places your created ads then they are searched for. This is similar to Google Adwords. You do not need a site for this.
- Overstock.com
- Sell your stuff on Overstock.com
- Pageflakes
- This is a company that developed a user-defined Ajax homepage to show feeds, flickr photos, and a ton of other things. Think of it as a replacement for your Google Homepage. Anyway - they'll pay you $1 per referral that you send over. They are not part of a wider affiliate program so you do it direct. This one is pretty simple.
- Pay Per Post
- I don't agree with this model entirely but they have advertisers that will pay you to write about their products on your blog.
- Pheedo
- If you have an RSS feed, run it through Pheedo. Like Feedburner, they can include ads into your feed and if you really become large, advertisers will pay a premium for you to show their ads.
- Shareasale.com
- I've never really worked with them but I do have an account. They are similar to Commission Junction and Linkshare however they seem to have lower tiered companies with advertising offers.
- Shoemoney
- This is a blog that can teach you a ton on making money online. I've spent hours reading his old stuff.
- Software Judge
- They will pay you up to $50 to review software.
- Text Link Ads
- I have never made a dime here but I know people that have. You can earn by sending advertisers to them or by selling spots on your site. You must have a real site or blog to do this - nothing on a shared domain (i.e. /blogspot).
- Vibrant Media
- Don't bother unless your site has 500,000 page views of text based content a month. If you have that readership, these are the guys that display bubble box ads to underlined words on your site.
- West Work At Home Agent
- Not entirely online but this is worth a mention because it's won awards and is very legitimate. If you are an at-home Mom or free-lancer without work, you should check this out.
- Yahoo! Merchant Solutions
- This is a pretty simple and cheap way to create an online store.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
How to Make Money without spending a dime?

But what do you need to spend? Time!! This is not about an easy way to make millions this is about a business and being a business means you need to expend the energy and put in the work in a professional manner.
Come on! Does this really work? Yes it does and I will give you a good explanation.
Like I said - You need to put work into this and that is something of value to many other websites and companies. You are expending energy and improving. You just need to figure out how to monetize this energy without spending any money.
Okay, enough of the pep talk, here is what you do:
Step 1: Make a decision about a subject that you are really interested in or really passionate about. This is going to be the subject that makes you money and the subject that you work at. This subject can be absolutely anything. I mean ANything! It could be butterfly collecting, hummels, unicorns, art, detective novels, the history of ornithology. It doesn't matter. Any subject will make you money. The key is that it has to be something you are passionate about. Seeing as you are going to spend time on this subject it has to be something you love.
Step 2: Sign up for a blogger account. That's right. It's totally free. This is going to be your main home page and where you do a lot of the work. This will be your main, but not only, source of revenue.
Step 3: Sign up for a google adsense account. This is free and the main way you will make money.
Step 4: Sign up as an Amazon.com associate. You will sell things through your blogger account and amazon will give you a percentage of the sale. (As high as 10%) Im not kidding here. It really happens.
Step 5: Sign up for a squidoo account
Step 6: Sign up for a Hubpages account
Step 7: Sign up with some article directories (These are places on the web you submit articles to)
The framework is now in place for you to actually start making money from your website. And you haven't spent a single penny. I'm serious here. You can really make some money.
Okay, you say, but what do you do? How do you tie all this together?
Getting Started: All of this may take you several hours to do. So set aside a good amount of time and make this your first day. Write a notation on your calendar of the first day you started your new business.
Now- This is some work and I said that you are going to have to do some work. If you can't make it past this step then the rest of this is probably not for you.
Before you start here are the links to sign up for all these accounts:
Blogger sign up (create a blog with a name that is similar to what your website is about. For instance, if your subject is medieval swords then create a blog named medieval-swords, or something very similar. This is important because the name of the blog will help people and search engines find you easily.
Google Adsense Sign up It used to take a day or two to get approval. I am not sure if this still is true but it doesn't matter. You need your blogger address first because google is going to ask for it.
Amazon.com Sign up Free and fast. And they sell everything, not just books. You will find some great products for your web visitors.
Squidoo Sign-up
Hubpages Sign-up
Ezinearticles.com Signup Your First Article Directory - You will write articles about your subject and submit them to this directory. It is one of the best. As you learn you will sign up at more directories. Start off with just one.
Lets get this ball rolling
( I recommend you put together a nice 3 ring notebook to keep all your business notes in. And create some new folders in your web browser to keep information and websites organized)
The Blogger account is going to be your main point of operation. This is where most everything happens and this is where you will probably generate most of your income. So start writing information and articles about your chosen subject. Write at least one article every day, and if you can manage it write two or more but spread them out in time. Don't write and article and then write another, put a space of at least an hour between articles.
A. After each article you write ping your blog by putting your blog information into pingoat. This notifies lots of blog services that you have a new post on your site. Pingoat.com You should also check out this automatic pinging service Autopinger.com
B. Check the blogger options to see if they will automatically create a google adsense account for you , if so then sign right up and active the ads on your blog. These ads will generate money for you. If you have to sign up directly at google and wait for your account number that's ok. Keep writing posts on your blog about your subject.
C. Put amazon ads in your blog posts. Choose books and products that go well with your subject matter or even write reviews about specific products and have the product right there for them to buy from amazon. Remember: You will get up to 10% of the sale.
D. Write more articles and post interesting information on your blog. Keep doing it! Every Day at least once. Some tips: Write reviews, post interesting web links, dig up pictures, write how to's, give your opinion, take a poll. Lots and lots of stuff you can do.
Next - You have the basic framework for making money from the site. It's all done. Now you have to drive the traffic to your site and this is where the rest of it comes in.
A. Go to squidoo and hubpages and create a lens(squidoo) and a hub (hubpages) on your specific topic. Over time you will create even more hubs and lenses that get specific about your subject. In the lens/hub write lots of good stuff about the subject and add links of course to your blog! (this drives traffic and works) But:
B. And this is important Both squidoo and Hubpages have revenue sharing with google adsense which means that you give them your adsense account number and you will also get money from squidoo and hubpages just like Blogger does. Does it get any better than this? Sign up!
Okay, now we are going to get fancy!
C. Now start writing articles about your subject and submit them to ezinearticles.com (as you get better you should sign up with other article directories too. Easy to find just google "Article Directory"
The important thing about writing articles is that at the bottom of each article (This is called the Author Resource Box) you will put a bit of information about your website and give them a link. When people read the article they will be very prone to click on the link and come to your blog! Voila, more traffic.
About Writing articles. It's not that hard and I have tutorials on that right here on this website. Write your first articles between 300 and 700 words in length. Ttutorial on article writing
Okay, thats the whole process and you haven't spent a dime. But you have put in some work. Now keep it going. Write more blog posts, make more hub pages and lenses and write more articles. The traffic will start flowing in. I am telling you! This works. In time you will be getting thousands of hits a day to your site. And you will be making money.Google pays you, amazon pays you and blogger, hubpages, and squidoo all add into your google account.
Why will you make money? Very simple. All of the feeds to your blog are articles, hubpages, and lenses. People have read these resources because they are very interested in your subject. And they have clicked through to your website for that reason. These people are very very prone to make purchases because you are offering them things that are very relevant to their likes.
Now there are lots of things you can do to improve the whole process, save time, get more traffic, and make more money. I recommend you start going through my tutorials here and learn how to get better.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Day One!!!

Wellcome to Make Money Online, in this blog you can learn the internet secrets and win money on the internet. There are so many ways to make money on the internet and a lot of money to be made. Why shouldn't you be apart of that income? The answer is there is no reason why you shouldn't be apart of that income. Now I am not saying that it is easy to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from the internet even though some people are making that much. But, there is a lot of money out there and if you have a website or blog you should be getting your hands on some of it. It is not any easy task you need to put a lot of hard work into it and be devoted, but in the end it is worth it. There are many different ways to make money with your site from selling your stuff to advertising. This blog is going to give you information about all the different types of money making opportunities, so then you can make the decision on what method works best for you.